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Erosion: Shoreline

Shoreline Erosion occurs when land at the water's edge is eroded by wave action. It is primarily due to wind driven or boat driven wave action and is especially a problem during high water. Shoreline erosion results in diminished habitat for wildlife, additional expenses for restoring beaches, and loss of access.

One of the most important things to address in dealing with shoreline erosion is protection of the toe (bottom) of the slope. There are several options for stabilizing the slope toe. Riprap, seawalls, and other "hard-armor" techniques are commonly used, but often overused.


More economical and ecologically friendly methods can be used. See Steps & Techniques: Implementing Your Project, for information on wattles and live stakes. Also, refer to the Lakescaping book, Chapter 7.

The use of erosion control fabrics is a key element in stabilizing shorelines. You will also find information on erosion control fabrics in Steps and Techniques: Implementing Your Project , as well as Lakescaping, page 78.